Galati History Museum Publishing House
General presentation
Fields of Publication: History, Cultural Studies
Being affiliated to a history museum, the publishing house aims, first of all, to publish materials related to the historical heritage of the southern region of Moldova, but not only. It is interested in collection catalogues, archaeological catalogues, as well as in studies based on a direct investigation of the cultural heritage - mobile, archaeological or architectural.
Textual testimonies, documents of historical interest or memoirs writings related to the above-mentioned area are mainly targeted by the publishing house.
The publishing house also tries to introduce into the scientific circuit memorialistic writings or historical writings based on oral testimonies or even on the personal experiences of the authors. As a result, some journals were published (Dimitrie Iuraşcu, Jurnal Politic (1939-1950), 3 vols), and also some autobiographical writings, some accompanied by relevant documents or photographs.
It also aims at publishing all kinds of researches on the historical and cultural aspects of the southern region of Moldova, but not only. The works aimed at publication can be focused both on events or situations from this region and on personalities who either originated here or influenced the history of the place.
Another topic preferred by the publishing house is the issue of Bessarabia.
We have a special interest in the analysis of the role of religion in society. Works that discuss the relations between different communities and religious conceptions or those that investigate minor religious forms are considered.
Literary works have been published - and there is still interest in this direction - especially if they have historical themes.
Thematic series and specialized collections
Two thematic series are published:
■ PhD theses, coordinated by Prof. Dr. George Enache
■ Restitutio Historiae, coordinated by Prof. Cristian-Dragoş Căldăraru. Critical editions of older works appear in this series.
The specialized collections of the publishing house are:
■ Works aiming at the valorization of architectural or mobile heritage.
■ The collection of historical studies/monographs.
■ Published documents, sometimes accompanied by monograph like extensive studies based on them.
■ he collection of memoirs.
■ Works on Religious Studies and Multiculturalism.
■ Literary works.