Autor/Author: Ovidiu Cristian Nedu
Titlu/Title: Upanisad, vol. I
Subtitlu/Subtitle: Aitareya, Kausitaki-Brāhmana, Śvetāśvatara, Vajrasucika
Traducere şi adnotări/ Translation and notes: Ovidiu Cristian Nedu
Studii introductive la texte/ Introductions to the texts: Ovidiu Cristian Nedu
An apariţie/Year: 2015
Preţ/Price: 20,00 lei
Categorie/Category: carte/book
Domeniu/Field: Religie, Hinduism/Religion, Hinduism
Limbă/Language: română; cuprinde şi originalul sanskrit al textelor traduse /Romanian; the book also includes the Sanskrit original of the translated texts
Format/Size: 16x23 cm.
Tip copertă/Cover: broşată/Paperback
Nr. pagini/No. of pages: 234
ISBN: 978-606-8769-02-8; Vol. I: 978-606-8769-03-5 |